Drawing Others to Christ: History Highlights

1948 – Paul Is Born

When Paul was born, Mom was having a hard time delivering him.  Dad was in the next room, and could tell she was having a hard time.  The doctor counted: "One, two, three, four."  No, it wasn't four babies; the umbilical cord was wrapped around Paul's neck four times.  That could be deadly!  So Dad prayed--Hard--that God would spare Paul so he could grow up to preach the Gospel so that thousands would be saved.
      Dad holding baby Paul

Paul and Faith    
1966 – Paul Begins Preaching          

Paul's first chalk talk, 
The Prodigal Son (right) 
1967 – Paul Begins Preaching with Chalk Art

A Gospel chalk artist visiting their home was just the nudge Paul needed to use chalk art in his new preaching responsibility in some schools.  Paul and his sister Faith went to the schools where she would play the accordion or the autoharp while they sang, and then Paul would preach, drawing as he preached.

1970 – Laboring in the Harvest
Paul heard Evangelist John R Rice preach on, "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few.  Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth laborers into His harvest" (Matt. 9:37).  He pointed out that the problem is not with the harvest; the harvest is plenteous.  There are plenty of people who could be saved.  The problem is that there are not many people really working at soul winning.  That night, after hearing him preach, Paul set out to spend a certain amount of time each week soul winning.

Having the four Bible clubs each week fit nicely with his new obedience to the Great Commission.  Paul could go out to neighborhoods around his home town and invite kids to the evangelistic Bible clubs and even try to win some of them to the Lord on the spot.  They had contests and incentives to encourage the children to come and bring their friends.  In a few months they had about 300 total each week in the four Bible clubs, hearing preaching and Bible teaching, being quizzed on previous lessons, singing, and bringing others.  Many of them did ask the Lord to save them.

1974 – Venture of Faith Camp
Joseph and Paul  
An evangelist friend recommended Paul's family to Gene Wisehart, who had started Venture of Faith Camp near Valdosta, GA. Pastor Wisehart invited Paul's father to come preach for a week at the junior camp.  As usual, the father sent whom he thought appropriate; this time he sent Joseph and Paul.  The first evening was awkward.  Paul made a couple of social blunders, and a guy said, "Where is this Dr. Young?"

Paul later said, "All they got was Joseph and me."  However, after the first service things went well, and by the end of the week, they invited the two to come back for two weeks the next year.  Paul continued for about 30 years at Venture of Faith Camp, usually two weeks a year until the move to Africa.
1977 – Central Christian School Begins

Central Christian School on one of their many field trips
1988 – Paul, Traveling Evangelist

Paul does chalk talk
In 1988 God led Paul to leave his family's ministry to be a traveling evangelist full time.  He stayed for a while with his older brother Daniel and his family in Richmond, VA, then with Joseph and his family in Valdosta, GA, and had a good, fun time at each place.  At that time he started calling his chalk talk ministry Drawing Others to Christ.  Someone suggested, “Chalking Up Souls.” Another said, “Draw Me Nearer.”

Glenn and Carol Lewis invited him to work at their church in Westville, IN.  They fixed up a nice apartment in their large house for Paul, and he had a lot of fun times with them and their six children.  Paul worked in their church, but had freedom to travel as God opened doors in other churches.  It was a nice arrangement.  Carol also scheduled him in hundreds of schools and churches across America with pastors and principals that did not even know her or Paul!  She was gifted and generous.

1991 – Paul and Vicki Meet

She was a lot of fun.  She had loved serving God as a missionary in Peru, South America.

1992 – Paul and Vicki Get Married

Paul and Vicki    
Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

1993 – Travelling Lovebirds

Paul and Vicki, newlyweds, drove about 50,000 miles, flew 33,000 miles and he preached about 650 times that year!  Their niece asked her dad what a hobo was.  He said it's someone who travels from place to place and works a bit in each place.  So she said, “Oh, you mean like Uncle Paul.”

1995 – Evangel is Born

The midwife let Paul help, and Evangel was born about two hours after they arrived.  It was so special!   They had so much fun breaking the news of Evangel's birth to everyone—first to Vicki's mom.
    Evangel in Paul's Shoe
1997 – Tim is Born

When Tim was born they were traveling agin, as usual.  With no doctor or midwife, Paul delivered Tim.  Well, Vicki did mostly.  Timothy came in about 20 minutes!  After Paul cut the cord, and washed him and given him back to Vicki, he got alone, bowed down on the floor and thanked God for keeping Vicki and tiny Tim safe!

1998 – Living and Traveling in a Motor Home

Paul, Vicki and the children were usually away from home about 11 months a year, so they had always lived out of a car, staying with their families, at motels, church guest rooms or as guests of someone in the church where he was preaching.  Then they finally got a motor home (at a good price) that fit their family and was tall enough for Paul to stand up in.
So for the next three years their home was a motor home, their back yard being...the Appalachian Mountains, or Amish country—or a church parking lot!  It was pretty handy!  Now, with everyone sleeping in the motor home, Paul could get up at any early hour and start driving while having his quiet time.  Vicki could get up and fix his breakfast as he was driving, then take over while he ate, showered and got dressed.  Then they would arrive at the school and he could go in and preach, while the kids got up at their leisure, ate, and went to play on the playground.  They made so many beautiful memories in this home, camping in a whole lot of happy, scenic spots—with privacy!

2000 - Call to South Africa
In June, 2000, God called them to move to South Africa.  They had visited there a few times and seemed to have had the most fruitful time of any place they'd ever been, especially in prisons, and in schools.  They were able to reach even more people with the Gospel in South Africa than they did in the USA.
Vicki and Evangel Enjoying
South Africa (right)
2001 – Joshua is Born

When Timmy saw his new brother, he just laughed and said: “We got the wong [sic] one!  That's a doll, not a baby.” Evangel, five, was thrilled and wanted to help: holding, changing, babysitting or anything else she could think of.

2001 – Move to South Africa!
They made it to South Africa on October 26, 2001, and their good friend Delgun Steele immediately organized a lot of meetings: in a crowded prison of 8,000 inmates, a school, a homeless shelter, some churches and some squatter camps—23 meetings in the first two weeks.  The next week he and another friend scheduled Paul 20 times!  The Lord gave their kids a quick adjustment.  “He...shall gently lead those that are with young” (Isaiah 40:11).

2002 – Brother Sends Son

In August 2002, Paul's brother Daniel sent his son, James, to help in the ministry for a few months.  James was a help in the prison as well as helping in producing chalk talk DVDs, a video presenting their ministry, the booklets Paul started publishing, and with computer stuff.  He also set up their website.

James greatly enlarged their ministry.  Also Gloria, James's faithful wife, was a big help to Vicki.  Paul's kids loved both of them.  In addition, James began a ministry of filming some dramatic life stories: of a thief, and another of a murderer; who were saved in prison and are now serving God.  James and Gloria's few months with his uncle have stretched into 22 years with God's blessings.
  James (in red), when he was a boy at
                      the school.

2003 – Cherish Arrives

In September 30, 2003, Cherish Faith Young was born at home.  Vicki says Cherish was the quickest, easiest birth and was a blessing from the beginning, smiling at only three days old.  Vicki said she had had a battle with depression and anger during the pregnancy, but with Cherish's birth it lifted.  Cherish was an American born in Africa, so you could say she was their little African American baby.

2006 – Cherish Goes to Heaven

Little Cherish died suddenly after a short illness.  We were so shocked.  But God used our pain and her short life to touch many to help them be saved from everlasting fire and receive fullness of joy and pleasure in Heaven forever.
2011 – Much African Fruit!

                Colorful African Meeting
In 2011 Paul probably preached to more people face to face than ever before: thousands in different places, and on the radio; PLUS weekly TV broadcasts and daily Bible study, singing and prayer times, besides giving out thousands of booklets, tracts and DVDs.

Teachers take books

2015 – Evangel Gets Married

In 2003 Paul preached in Vicki's home church, and eight-year-old Ryan Ford asked the Lord to save him.  Paul certainly didn't know Ryan would one day marry his daughter Evangel.  They have a happy family now.

2017 – Paul Has a Stroke

Paul preached 31 times in the first three days of 2017, mostly short chalk talks in the open air, but with the extra strain of trying to be heard above all the noise.  In the afternoon Paul noticed his left hand didn't work for an hour or so.  They went to a specialist who confirmed he'd had a mini stroke.  It was a wake up call to get more rest!

2018 – Tim Graduates from The Bible Institute of South Africa

All during his schooling, he was also helping in the family ministry including preaching with chalk art.  In his friendships with other young people he demonstrated a gift of leadership and mediation.

2020 – COVID Restrictions

Paul really felt frustrated when much of their ministry was shut down by the COVID lock down.  Paul started using the social media and reached hundreds day by day with chalk talks on social media, especially in areas of Africa and Asia that they had not been able to reach in person before.  It was also during this time that they greatly expanded their tract printing and distribution.
Paul giving Josh art lessons (right)
2021 – Josh Gets Married!

Joshua married Holly Ford, a sister of Ryan, Evangel's husband.  They lived and worked in Connecticut, where he was studying at New England Baptist College.  They were both working in the children's ministry at Central Baptist Church there.